VANESSA MOORE Cert ED, ABRSM DIP, Suzuki Cert Violin. (Violin)  On leaving school, Vanessa
studied Music and English at St Mark and St John's Teacher Training College, London. Subsequently she taught violin and piano in London, Hackney as well as becoming a Special
Needs teacher. Vanessa played violin
as part of the resident band at Epping folk club over this time. Moving
to Sidcot School in Somerset, and as assistant housemistress, Vanessa continued to teach violin and piano as
well as class music also setting up a folk club
there. Next, living in Bath, she
continued to teach, violin/viola and piano peripatetic in Primary and Secondary Bath and Bristol
schools, and was involved in the emerging folk/ethinic music scene there,
as well as with the Bath Festival. Living near Cheddar in the Mendips,
Vanessa continued to pursue her love of folk music and roots genre, once again joining a ceilidh
band (the Old Fox Band) and helped to set up an Irish Music Saturday
School (mainly adults) in Avonmouth Bristol. She also took part in quartets and classical
ensembles. During this time Vanessa completed a
Suzuki violin teacher training Course in London. Returning to Jersey, she
has continued teaching initially with the Jersey Music Services, but now with the Jersey Academy of
Music. She has enjoyed playing in
the Jersey Chamber Orchestra, the Jersey Sinfonietta and of course the Jersey Symphony
Orchestra, as well as No Strings Attached
Quartet. Having given performances of Music
with Poetry, she is interested in using music as a means of communication. Playing in Badlabecques has also helped to develop this link, as well as return to her Jersey
roots by helping to develop initiatives to encourage the wider use and
knowledge of Jerriais. |